Wife, Mom and Grandma with over 20 years experience in road testing. When she’s not sewing with her grandkids, wielding power tools or baking up a fresh chocolate pie, she’s at Zeeland Driver Testing cheering you on. She will put you or your child at ease immediately and carefully explain expectations before heading out on the road.
Bob doesn't bake, cook, or use power tools, but is a husband, father, and grandpa who enjoys writing poetry, bonfires, and conversations with his family. With over 20 years of experience, Bob will help you feel comfortable and confident when you take your road test.
Most people run when they are being chased. Dan runs for fun. In fact, he's run marathons and ultra marathons on multiple continents. When he's not running, he's busy fixing up his passenger bus turned motor home, and sight seeing all around the country with his wife. Dan's calm and caring demeanor will calm your nerves as you head out on your driver's test.
Please schedule your test by clicking the "schedule test" button on the top left. If you have any other questions give us a call or complete the contact form by clicking here .